Can a Dentist Treat TMJ?


Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) can be a frustrating and painful condition, affecting millions of people worldwide. While it primarily involves the jaw joint, its symptoms can extend to headaches, neck pain, and even earaches. At Academy Dental Care, we can provide relief and improve your quality of life through personalized treatment. Discover how our Albuquerque dentists can treat TMJ.

Understanding TMJ

TMJ refers to issues with the temporomandibular joint, which connects your jawbone to your skull. This complex joint allows for the smooth movement required for chewing, speaking, and yawning. However, several factors can lead to dysfunction and discomfort.

Common Causes of TMJ

  • Jaw malalignment
  • Occlusal disease or dysfunctional bite
  • Bruxism (Teeth Grinding or Clenching): Persistent teeth grinding or clenching can strain the TMJ.
  • Jaw Injury: Trauma to the jaw joint or surrounding tissues can result in TMJ problems.
  • Arthritis: Degenerative joint diseases like arthritis can affect the TMJ.
  • Stress: Chronic stress may contribute to jaw clenching or muscle tension, aggravating TMJ symptoms.

Recognizing TMJ Symptoms

Identifying TMJ can be challenging as its symptoms often mimic those of other conditions. However, some common indicators include:
  • Jaw Pain or Tenderness: Discomfort in the jaw joint area, particularly when chewing or speaking.
  • Clicking or Popping Sounds: Audible noises when moving the jaw.
  • Limited Jaw Movement: Difficulty or discomfort while opening or closing the mouth fully.
  • Headaches or Earaches: TMJ-related pain can radiate to the head or ears, leading to headaches or earaches.
  • Muscle Stiffness: Stiffness or soreness in the jaw muscles, especially upon waking up.

Diagnosing TMJ Disorders in Albuquerque at Academy Dental Care

Typically, TMJ disorders are muscular in origin. At Academy Dental Care, Dr. Krohnfeldt utilizes state of the art technology to measure muscle activity and 3D jaw tracking to visualize joint movement and pathological muscle activity. Together with years of expertise, Dr. Krohnfeldt is able to reduce and eliminate TMJ issues in a comfortable fashion. Whether it be a daytime or a nighttime appliance, we’re confident in resolving your TMJ issues.

Treating TMJ Disorders

While TMJ treatment approaches vary based on the severity and underlying causes, our dentist in Albuquerque can offer several effective solutions to alleviate symptoms and restore proper jaw function.

Night Guards
Custom-fitted night guards can serve as a frontline defense against nocturnal teeth grinding or clenching, a common contributor to TMJ issues. By creating a protective barrier between the upper and lower teeth, these devices prevent excessive wear and tear on the jaw joint and surrounding muscles, thereby reducing associated pain and tension. A traditional night guard may not be adequate for most TMJ sufferers.

Neuromuscular Orthotics
Orthotics are versatile oral devices designed to stabilize the temporomandibular joint and optimize jaw alignment and musculature. By promoting proper positioning and minimizing undesirable movement, orthotics alleviate pressure on the TMJ, facilitating relaxation and alleviating discomfort. Academy Dental Care offers customized neuromuscular orthotics tailored to each patient's specific jaw anatomy and therapeutic needs, ensuring optimal efficacy, comfort, and symptom relief.

Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs)
MADs are specialized oral appliances primarily utilized in cases where TMJ symptoms coexist with obstructive sleep apnea or snoring. By gently advancing the lower jaw forward during sleep, MADs help maintain an open airway and promote unobstructed breathing, thereby reducing the risk of nocturnal bruxism and associated TMJ complications.

Dr. Krohnfeldt in Albuquerque can effectively treat TMJ by employing a combination of oral appliances, dental adjustments, suggesting lifestyle modifications, and more. If you're experiencing symptoms of TMJ, don't hesitate to reach out to Academy Dental Care for personalized treatment options tailored to your needs. With proper diagnosis and intervention, you can find relief from TMJ discomfort and regain optimal jaw function for a happier, healthier life.